Soulstone Survivors Wiki
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You start each run with the starting skill of your weapon.

The available skill pool contains (if unlocked):

Skill Mastery Runes can add up to 6 random skills of the type to the available skill pool.

List of active skills specific to weapons and characters[]

Active Skills by Type[]

Element Type[]


View Arcane skill List
ArcanePower Arcane Power CD: 30s
Arcane, Empowering, Lasting, Area, Magical Available via Tags, Unlocked from Achievement
Empower you and all your nearby allies, increasing the multi cast modifier by 50% for 10.0 seconds.
MagicMissiles Magic Missiles CD : 7s
Arcane, Missile, Frontal, Burst, Magical Available via Tags
Quickly fire 30 magic missiles in front of you, piercing enemies causing 30 damage and applying Brittle Brittle: +1% cooldowns and 3 damage per hit for 5 seconds with each hit.
ArcaneDisc Arcane Disc CD: 5.2s
Arcane, Missile, Frontal, Magical Available via Tags
Hurls an arcane disc that is bound to you in the target direction, causing 480 damage and applying Exposed 50% Exposed to targets hit. The disc returns to you at the end of its range, causing damage to enemies again on its way back.
ArcaneSparks Arcane Sparks CD: 5s
Arcane, Missile, Burst, Magical Available with Type
Fire a total of 8 projectiles that move randomly, dealing 160 damage and applying Exposed 40% Exposed to enemies caught in their path.
ArcaneBeam Arcane Beam CD : 8s
Arcane, Lasting, Frontal, Magical Available via Tags, Unlock by achievement
Fire a continuous beam in the direction you are aiming at, dealing up to 750 damage to enemies in the area and quickly applying Exposed 20% Exposed.
ArcaneAssault Arcane Assault CD: 6s
Arcane, Thrust, Frontal, Magical, Physical The Spellblade, Prestige 5
Use arcane energy to hit enemies in front of you, causing 400 damage and applying Vulnerable 200% Vulnerable
ArcaneRift Arcane Rift CD: 10s
Arcane, Lasting, Area, Magical The Spellblade, Prestige 20
For the next 6 seconds, leave a trail of arcane energy behind you, applying Exposed 10% Exposed every 1 second to enemies standing on your path.
ArcaneBlade Arcane Blade CD: 8.5s
Arcane, Swing, Frontal, Magical, Physical The Spellblade, Prestige 50
Strike enemies with a powerful arcane blade, causing 500 damage and an extra 30 damage per stack of Exposed Exposed or Vulnerable Vulnerable on the target.
Arcaneshield Arcane Shield CD: 30s
Arcane, Empowering, Lasting, Magical The Arcane Weaver, Prestige 5
Creates an arcane shield around you, absorbing up to 30 damage and lasting for 15 seconds. When the shield expires, it causes 30 times the damage absorbed as damage to enemies around you.
ArcaneOrb Arcane Orb CD: 5s
Arcane, Missile, Lasting, Frontal, Magical The Arcane Weaver, Prestige 20
Launch a large orb in the direction you are aiming at, which applies Exposed 80% Exposed to targets it passes through. Additionally, this orb quickly fires additional projectiles in all directions, each dealing 70 damage per hit.
ArcaneConjuration Arcane Conjuration CD : 9s
Arcane, Area, Magical The Arcane Weaver, Prestige 50
Summon a total of 10 arcane pillars away from you, that quickly converge to your position, dealing 110 damage and applying Exposed 50% Exposed to enemies in their path.
ArcaneOverload Arcane Overload CD : 8s
Arcane, Swing, Area, Magical, Physical The Spellblade, 2nd weapon, special skill
Spin your weapon around you, applying Exposed 80% Exposed to all nearby enemies, and firing 20 arcane missiles at random positions around you, dealing 250 damage per missile to enemies hit.
ArcaneExplosion Arcane Explosion CD : 8s
Arcane, Area, Burst, Magical The Arcane Weaver, 1st weapon, special skill
Summon a large arcane explosion at your position, dealing 350 damage and applying Exposed 60% Exposed.
Slash Slash CD: 1.0s
Arcane, Swing, Frontal, Physical The Spellblade, 1st weapon, starting skill
Slashes targets in the direction you are aiming at, causing 150 damage and applying Vulnerable 30% Vulnerable.
ArcaneSlash Arcane Slash CD: 1.1s
Arcane, Swing, Frontal, Magical, Physical The Spellblade, 2nd weapon, starting skill
Fire an arcane slash forward, dealing 70 damage and applying Exposed 40% Exposed.
ArcaneMissiles Arcane Missiles CD: 0.6s
Arcane, Missile, Burst, Magical The Arcane Weaver, 1st weapon, starting skill
While the attack is channeled, you automatically fire 2 arcane missiles that seek a random nearby target, dealing 60 damage in a small area.

Exposed 30% Exposed

ChromaticBolt Chromatic Bolt CD : 7s
Arcane, Chaos, Ice, Nature, Fire, Electric, Shadow, Holy, Projectile, Missile, Frontal, Magical, Physical Available via Tags, Unlock by achievement
Fires a ricocheting shot in the direction you are aiming at, that bounces around between targets until it has traveled a total of 60 meters, dealing 50 damage and applying a ChaosSkillModifierDamage Random Damaging Negative Effect (Burn 4 stacks of Burn: 214 damage over 4 seconds, Bleed 10 stacks of Bleed: 250 damage over 10 seconds, Doom 1 stacks of Doom: 150 delayed damage or Poison 12 stacks of Poison: 300 damage over 15 seconds) every time it hits an enemy.
RadiantLight Radiant Light CD: 9s
Arcane, Thrust, Lasting, Area, Physical The Paladin, third weapon, starting skill
Emit a shining light in the direction you are aiming at, hitting enemies a total of 20 times, dealing 60 damage and applying Exposed 20% Exposed with every hit.
ArcaneMace Arcane Mace CD: 8s
Arcane, Slam, Area, Frontal, Magical The Paladin, third weapon, special skill
Conjures an arcane mace to slam targets in front of you, dealing 250 damage and an extra 10 damage per stack of Exposed Exposed or Vulnerable Vulnerable on the target. Damage is multiplied by 3 on critical strikes.


View Chaos skill List
Bloodlust Bloodlust CD: 30s
Chaos, Empowering, Lasting, Area, Physical Available via Tags
Empower you and all your nearby allies, increasing the movement speed modifier by an additional 20% and cast frequency modifier by an additional 40% for 10 seconds.
ChaosBolt Chaos Bolt CD : 4.5s
Chaos, Missile, Frontal, Magical, Physical Available via Tags, ?
Fires a chaos bolt in the direction you are aiming at, piercing through enemies in a line, causing a random amount of damage between 1 and 240 and applying a ChaosSkillModifierDamage Random Powerful Negative Effect. Two secondary bolts are released on impact, each applying a ChaosSkillModifierDamage Random Powerful Negative Effect as well.
ChaosBomb Chaos Bomb CD : 6.5s
Chaos, Bomb, Frontal, Magical, Physical Available via Tags
Throws a chaos bomb in an area in front of you, causing a random amount of damage between 1 and 1000 and applying a ChaosSkillModifierDamage Random Powerful Negative Effect.
SummonGolem Chaos Golem CD: 60s
Chaos, Summon, Magical, Physical Available via Tags
Summon 1 chaos golem to fight for you. A maximum of 3 units can be active at any time.
Chaos Golems deal a random amount of damage between 1 and 500 and inflict Stun 3 seconds Stun and a ChaosSkillModifierDamage Random Powerful Negative Effect in a large area.
DeathClaw Death Claw CD : 5.5s
Chaos, Area, Burst, Magical Available via Tags, Unlock by achievement
Conjures a chaotic death claw at the feet of a random enemy, causing a random amount of damage between 1 and 1000 and applying a ChaosSkillModifierDamage Random Powerful Negative Effect.
ChaosWave Chaos Wave CD : 7s
Chaos, Area, Burst, Magical The Chaoswalker, Prestige 5
Releases a wave of chaos around you, dealing random damage between 1 and 400 and applying a ChaosSkillModifierDamage Random Powerful Negative Effect.
ChaosTotemNew Chaos Totem CD : 15s
Chaos, Static, Summon, Magical The Chaoswalker, Prestige 20
Summon a chaos totem at your position for 15.0 seconds, which continuously fires chaos bolts at the nearest enemy, dealing a random amount of damage between 1 and 300 and applying a ChaosSkillModifierDamage Random Powerful Negative Effect. A maximum of 3 totems may be active at any one time.
ManifestationsOfChaos Manifestations of Chaos CD : 7s
Chaos, Missile, Burst, Magical The Chaoswalker, Prestige 50
Release a total of 4 projectiles that move randomly, dealing a random amount of damage between 1 and 300 and applying a ChaosSkillModifierDamage Random Powerful Negative Effect to enemies caught in their path.
UnchainedChaos Unchained Chaos CD : 6.5s
Chaos, Missile, Chain, Magical The Chaoswalker, 1st weapon, special skill
Release a chain of chaos at a random enemy, causing a random amount of damage between 1 and 290, applying a ChaosSkillModifierDamage Random Powerful Negative Effect, and then jumping anywhere from 0 to 10 additional times to nearby targets if possible.
AuraOfChaos Aura of Chaos CD: 12s
Chaos, Lasting, Aura, Magical The Chaoswalker, 2nd weapon, special skill
You emit an aura of chaos for 6 seconds, causing random damage between 1 and 80 and applying a ChaosSkillModifierDamage Random Powerful Negative Effect that stay near you every 0.5 seconds.
ChaoticMissile Chaotic Missile CD: 1.3s
Chaos, Missile, Frontal, Magical The Chaoswalker, 1st weapon, starting skill
Throws a chaotic missile forward hitting enemies in a line, causing a random amount of damage between 1 and 80 and applying a ChaosSkillModifierDamage Random Powerful Negative Effect every time it goes through enemies. There is a 50% chance that the missile will come back to you.
SeekingChaos Seeking Chaos CD: 0.6s
Chaos, Missile, Burst, Magical The Chaoswalker, 2nd weapon, starting skill
While the attack is channeled, you automatically launch 2 chaotic missiles that seek random targets, dealing random damage between 1 and 140 and applying a ChaosSkillModifierDamage Random Powerful Negative Effect.
ChromaticBolt Chromatic Bolt CD : 7s
Arcane, Chaos, Ice, Nature, Fire, Electric, Shadow, Holy, Projectile, Missile, Frontal, Magical, Physical Available via Tags, Unlock by achievement
Fires a ricocheting shot in the direction you are aiming at, that bounces around between targets until it has traveled a total of 60 meters, dealing 50 damage and applying a ChaosSkillModifierDamage Random Damaging Negative Effect (Burn 4 stacks of Burn: 214 damage over 4 seconds, Bleed 10 stacks of Bleed: 250 damage over 10 seconds, Doom 1 stacks of Doom: 150 delayed damage or Poison 12 stacks of Poison: 300 damage over 15 seconds) every time it hits an enemy.
ChaoticInferno Chaotic Inferno CD: 8.0s
Chaos, Lasting, Frontal, Magical The Pyromancer, 3rd Weapon, Starting Skill
Launches a continuous pillar of dark flames in the target direction that causes random damage, from a range of 1 to 160, while also applying File:Disarray.png Disarray: Increased damage by random amount between -0.5% and 2.5% for 8 seconds every 0.25 seconds.
ChaosEruption Chaos Eruption CD: 6s
Chaos, Missile, Frontal, Burst, Physical The Pyromancer, Rare weapon, special skill
You launch 3 waves of obscure eruption in the direction you are aiming at, each causing a random amount of damage between 1 and 700 damage to enemies in a straight line and applying a ChaosSkillModifierDamage Random Powerful Negative Effect.
FrenziedBunnies Frenzied Bunnies CD: 4.5s
Chaos, Bomb, Summon, Physical, Seasonal Kobold's Treasure Event: Eliminate Ruanok, the Boordlord with at least 34 Curse Intensity
Summon 2 Frenzied Rabbits to fight for you, dealing a random amount of damage between 1 and 850 and applying a ChaosSkillModifierDamage Random Powerful Negative Effect (not stated in game) in a huge explosion on contact with enemies, dying in the process. A maximum of 10 units can be active at any time.


View Ice skill List
FrostBolt Frost Bolt CD : 1.0s
Ice, Missile, Frontal, Magical, Physical Available via Tags
Fires an icy projectile in the direction you are aiming at, piercing through enemies in a line, causing 300 damage and inflicting Slow 20% Slow.
Glacier Glacier CD : 6s
Ice, Area, Magical Available via Tags
Summons a large glacier over a random enemy, dealing 900 damage and pushing enemies back, inflicting Stun 2 seconds Stun and Slow 60% Slow.
IceVortex Ice Vortex CD: 8s
Ice, Lasting, Area, Magical Available via Tags
Summon an icy vortex at a random enemy's position that for 3 seconds quickly applies Slow 5% Slow and then explodes, dealing 25 damage per stack of Slow Slow or Paralysis Paralysis on the target
Blizzard Blizzard CD: 7s
Ice, Lasting, Area, Magical Available via Tags, Unlock by achievement
Conjures a blizzard over a random enemy, hitting enemies 25 times, causing a total of 875 damage and applying Slow 5% Slow with every hit.
IceHammer Frozen Warhammer CD : 6s
Ice, Slam, Area, Magical The Elementalist, Prestige 20
Conjures a frozen warhammer to slam targets in front of you, dealing 300 damage and an extra 15 damage per stack of Slow Slow or Paralysis Paralysis on the target. Applies Slow 10% Slow.
SevereCold Severe Cold CD: 2.5
Ice, Missile, Frontal, Magical The Elementalist, 2nd weapon, starting skill
Fires a ricocheting shot in the direction you are aiming at that bounces around between targets until it has travelled a total of 40 meters, dealing 60 damage and applying Slow 20% Slow every time it hits an enemy.
FreezingBlow Freezing Blow CD: 4s
Ice, Blast, Area, Frontal, Magical The Elementalist, 2nd weapon, special skill
Fires a freezing blow in a cone in front of you, causing 500 damage and transforming all stacks of Slow Slow into Paralysis Paralysis.
ChromaticBolt Chromatic Bolt CD : 7s
Arcane, Chaos, Ice, Nature, Fire, Electric, Shadow, Holy, Projectile, Missile, Frontal, Magical, Physical Available via Tags, Unlock by achievement
Fires a ricocheting shot in the direction you are aiming at, that bounces around between targets until it has traveled a total of 60 meters, dealing 50 damage and applying a ChaosSkillModifierDamage Random Damaging Negative Effect (Burn 4 stacks of Burn: 214 damage over 4 seconds, Bleed 10 stacks of Bleed: 250 damage over 10 seconds, Doom 1 stacks of Doom: 150 delayed damage or Poison 12 stacks of Poison: 300 damage over 15 seconds) every time it hits an enemy.
SurpriseGift Surprise Gift CD: 7.5s
Ice, Bomb, Lasting, Static, Physical, Seasonal Winterfall Event: Eliminate Bumble
Leave a permanent gift on the ground that opens up when an enemy steps on it, causing 600 damage to nearby enemies and firing 6 bombs that split on impact, each causing 400 damage and applying Paralysis 4 stacks of Paralysis: -20% movement speed, +4% direct damage taken.
Avalanche Avalanche CD: 5s
Ice, Bomb, Area, Frontal, Physical, Seasonal Winterfall Event: Eliminate Bumble with at least 25 Curse Intensity
Fire 25 snowballs in an area in front of you over 3 seconds, each causing 80 damage and applying Slow 10% Slow.
SummonHelperElves Summon Helper Elves CD: 30s
Ice, Summon, Magical, Physical, Seasonal Winterfall Event: Eliminate Bumble with at least 24 Curse Intensity
Summon 3 helper elves to fight for you. A maximum of 6 units can be active at any time.
They throw candy canes at nearby enemies, dealing 380 damage and apply Slow 10% Slow on hit.
ArcticAssault Arctic Assault CD: 2.5s
Ice, Thrust, Frontal, Physical The Spellblade, third weapon, starting skill
Hit enemies in a long line in front of you dealing 340 damage and applying Slow 20% Slow.
FrozenBlade Frozen Blade CD: 7s
Ice, Swing, Missile, Frontal, Physical The Spellblade, third weapon, special skill
Throws a powerful icy blade forward hitting enemies in a line, and then coming back to your current position, dealing 600 damage and transforming all stacks of Slow Slow into Paralysis Paralysis.


View Nature skill List
AcidRain Acid Rain CD : 6s
Nature, Bomb, Area, Frontal, Physical Available via Tags, Unlock by achievement
Throw a projectile in an arc in the direction you are aiming at, raining acid (~25 drops) on enemies in its trajectory, applying Rot Rot: 150 damage over 15 seconds, spread on death with each rain drop.
SummonBattleMoose Battle Moose CD : 40s
Nature, Slam, Summon, Physical The Beastmaster, prestige 20
Summon 1 battle moose to fight for you. A maximum of 8 units can be active at any time. Traits: Taunt Taunt.
Moose deal 285 damage once in a large area and apply Stun Stun, and 150 damage 5 times in a large area and apply Stun Stun.
BestialWrath Bestial Wrath CD: 20s
Nature, Empowering, Lasting, Area, Physical The Beastmaster, prestige 50
Empower your nearby allies only, increasing movement speed modifier by 40% and multi cast modifier by 70% for 10.0 seconds.
SummonCaveBear Cave Bear CD: 60s
Nature, Slam, Summon, Physical The Beastmaster, 3rd weapon, special skill
Summons 1 cave bear that causes damage and empowers nearby allies, increasing damage by 10% and maximum health by 15 temporarily. A maximum of 3 units can be active at any time. Traits: Taunt Taunt.
ChromaticBolt Chromatic Bolt CD : 7s
Arcane, Chaos, Ice, Nature, Fire, Electric, Shadow, Holy, Projectile, Missile, Frontal, Magical, Physical Available via Tags, Unlock by achievement
Fires a ricocheting shot in the direction you are aiming at, that bounces around between targets until it has traveled a total of 60 meters, dealing 50 damage and applying a ChaosSkillModifierDamage Random Damaging Negative Effect (Burn 4 stacks of Burn: 214 damage over 4 seconds, Bleed 10 stacks of Bleed: 250 damage over 10 seconds, Doom 1 stacks of Doom: 150 delayed damage or Poison 12 stacks of Poison: 300 damage over 15 seconds) every time it hits an enemy.
CobraTotem Cobra Totem CD : 7s
Nature, Static, Summon, Physical The Beastmaster, 1st weapon, special skill
Summons 1 cobra totem at your position for a few seconds that fire poison bombs at nearby enemies, causing 120 damage and applying Poison Poison: 250 damage over 15 seconds and Weakness 2% Weakness. A maximum of 4 totems may be active at any time.
Contagion Contagion CD: 7s
Nature, Area, Burst, Magical, Physical The Death Knight, Prestige 20
Causes a large explosion at your position, applying Rot Rot: 1200 damage over 15 seconds, spread on death to nearby enemies.
Corrosion Corrosion CD : 8s
Nature, Lasting, Aura, Magical The Chaoswalker, 2nd weapon, special skill
Conjures an aura of poison that applies Poison Poison: 110 damage over 15 seconds every 0.5s and then explodes, causing 10 damage per stack of Poison Poison on the target.
CorrosiveSpear Corrosive Spear CD : 1.4s
Nature, Missile, Frontal, Physical The Legionnaire, 3rd weapon, starting skill
Throws a corrosive spear in the direction you are aiming at, piercing through enemies in a line, causing 280 damage and inflicting Poison Poison: 200 damage over 15 seconds.
FesteringStrike Festering Strike CD: 1.6s
Nature, Swing, Area, Magical, Physical The Death Knight, Prestige 0
Causes 30 damage and applies Poison Poison: 90 damage over 15 seconds to all enemies around you.
InfectedShot Infected Shot CD : 0.6s
Nature, Missile, Burst, Magical The Chaoswalker, 2nd weapon, starting skill
Fires 2 poisonous missiles that seek nearby targets, causing 60 damage and applying Poison Poison: 120 damage over 15 seconds in a small area.
PesticideBurst Pesticide Burst CD: 7.0s
Nature, Frontal, Burst, Physical The Hound Master, 3rd weapon, starting skill
Launches a continuous pillar of poisonous fragments in the target direction that applies Poison Poison: 240 damage over 15 seconds every 0.25 seconds.
PoisonBolt Poison Bolt CD : 3.5s
Nature, Missile, Frontal, Magical, Physical Avaible to All
Fires 5 poisonous projectiles in the direction you are aiming at, inflicting Poison Poison: 300 damage over 15 seconds to enemies in a large area.
PoisonBomb Poison Bomb CD : 4s
Nature, Bomb, Lasting, Area, Physical Avaible to All
Throws a poison bomb at a random enemy, dealing 100 damage and applying Poison Poison: 450 damage over 15 seconds instantly to targets hit, leaving a poison puddle in the ground, inflicting Poison Poison: 250 damage over 15 seconds to enemies in a large area.
PoisonCloud Poison Cloud CD: 12s
Nature, Lasting, Area, Physical Avaible to All
Summons a moving poison cloud that applies Poison 1 stacks of Poison: 400 damage over 15 seconds every 0.5 seconds to enemies caught within.
PathOfDecay Path of Decay CD: 12s
Nature, Lasting, Area, Magical The Death Knight, Prestige 50
For the next 6 seconds, leave a trail of decay behind you, applying Poison Poison: 120 damage over 15 seconds every 1 seconds to enemies standing in your path.
SummonDeadlyRats Plague Rats CD : 10s
Nature, Summon, Magical, Physical The Necromancer, 3rd weapon, starting skill
Summon 3 deadly rats that explode when killed, applying Rot Rot: 600 damage over 15 seconds, spread on death to enemies nearby. A maximum of 15 units can be active at any time.
ToxicImpact Purging Slam CD: 5s
Nature, Slam, Frontal, Physical The Legionnaire, 3rd weapon, special skill
Slam your shield into the enemies in front of you, dealing 300 damage and causing all remaining Poison Poison and Rot Rot stacks in the area to deal 200% of their damage instantly, removing the effects in the process.
Putrefy Putrefy CD: 7.5s
Nature, Area, Burst, Magical The Necromancer, 3rd weapon, special skill
Causes all allies in a large area around you to release an explosion of rot, applying Rot Rot: 1000 damage over 15 seconds, spread on death to nearby enemies.
SummonPutridHounds Putrid Hounds CD : 30s
Nature, Summon, Magical, Physical The Necromancer, Prestige 50
Summon 2 putrid hounds to fight for you, applying Weakness 3% Weakness when they attack. A maximum of 7 units can be active at any time.
They deal 200 damage on hit.
SummonSwampBoar Swamp Boar CD: 18s
Nature, Summon, Magical, Physical The Beastmaster, 2nd weapon, special skill
Summon 2 swamp boars to fight for you that cause 300 damage and apply Fragility 2% Fragility to fight for you. A maximum of 6 units can be active at any time.
ThreshingBlast Threshing Blast CD: 5.0s
Nature, Frontal, Burst, Physical The Hound Master, 3rd weapon, special skill
Fires a blast in a cone in the target direction, causing 360 damage and 40 damage based on the number of stacks of Poison Poison on the target. Gain 2 stacks of Template:Ammunition.
VenomousStrike Venomous Strike CD: 1.8s
Nature, Swing, Frontal, Physical The Beastmaster, 1st weapon, starting skill
Slashes in the target direction, causing 235 damage and applying Poison Poison: 250 damage over 15 seconds. Gain Finesse Finesse: 2%.
SummonWarTiger War Tiger CD: 20s
Nature, Swing, Summon, Physical The Beastmaster, Prestige 5
Summon 2 war tigers to fight for you. A maximum of 6 units can be active at any time.
Claw attack: deal 175 damage and apply Bleed Bleed: 120 damage over 10 seconds.
Bite attack: deal 400 damage and apply Wound Wound.
WildStrike Wild Strike CD: 1.5s
Nature, Swing, Frontal, Physical The Beastmaster, 2nd weapon, starting skill
Strike enemies in the target direction, causing 230 damage and an extra 20% damage based on the quantity of summoned units you control. Gain Finesse Finesse: 1%.


View Fire skill List
FireBolt Fire Bolt CD : 4s
Fire, Missile, Frontal, Magical, Physical Available via Tags
Shoots a fiery projectile in the direction you are aiming at, causing 250 damage and applying Burn 6 stacks of Burn: 360 damage over 4 seconds.
Meteor Meteor CD : 3s
Fire, Area, Magical Available via Tags
Hurls a large meteor at a random enemy, dealing 500 damage and strong pushback, inflicting Stun 6 seconds Stun and Burn Burn: 250 damage over 4 seconds.
FlameWave Flame Wave CD : 4s
Fire, Area, Burst, Magical Available via Tags, Unlock by achievement
Causes a large explosion at your position, dealing 300 damage to nearby enemies, applying Burn 1 stacks of Burn: 400 damage over 4 seconds, Stun 2 seconds Stun and pushing them back.
FireWall Fire Wall CD : 8.0s
Fire, Lasting, Area, Magical The Pyromancer, Prestige 5
Creates a wall of fire under a random enemy, applying Burn Burn: 800 damage over 4 seconds and Weakness 24% Weakness to any enemy that crosses it.
MeteorShower Meteor Shower CD: 6.0s
Fire, Area, Burst, Magical The Pyromancer, Prestige 20
Conjures 16 small meteors over a random enemy, each meteor deals 150 damage and an additional 10 damage for every stack of Burn Burn on the target.
Conflagrate Conflagrate CD : 8.0s
Fire, Area, Burst, Magical The Pyromancer, Prestige 50
Causes all enemies afflicted Burn Burn in an area that expands around you to explode, dealing 500 damage to nearby enemies.
LavaShield Lava Shield CD: 8s
Fire, Lasting, Aura, Magical The Elementalist, Prestige 5
Creates 3 orbs that rotate around you for 6 seconds, exploding on contact with enemies, causing 200 damage and applying Melting Melting: -10 armor and 200 damage over 8 seconds in a large area.
FireWalk Fire Walk CD : 12.0s
Fire, Lasting, Area, Magical The Pyromancer, 1st Weapon, Special Skill
For the next 6 seconds, leave a trail of fire behind you, applying Burn Burn: 140 damage over 4 seconds every 0.5 seconds to enemies standing on it.
Flamethrower Flamethrower CD : 7s
Fire, Lasting, Frontal, Magical The Pyromancer, 2nd weapon, special skill
You launch a continuous pillar of flames forward hitting enemies for 6 seconds, applying Melting Melting: -2 armor and 150 damage over 8 seconds every 0.25 seconds to enemies that are caught in its path.
FirePillar Fire Pillar CD : 7s
Fire, Area, Burst, Magical The Arcane Weaver, 2nd weapon, special skill
Summons a fire pillar at a random enemy position, dealing 10 damage and applying Melting Melting: -15 armor and 500 damage over 8 seconds.
FireSlash Fire Slash CD: 1.6s
Fire, Missile, Frontal, Magical The Pyromancer, 1st Weapon, Starting Skill
Sends a fiery slash in the target direction, causing 100 damage and applying Burn Burn: 200 damage over 4 seconds. Gain Haste Haste: 4%.
Combustion Combustion CD: 8s
Fire, Lasting, Aura, Magical The Pyromancer, 2nd weapon, starting skill
You emit an aura of fire for 6 seconds, applying Burn 2 stacks of Burn: 140 damage over 4 seconds to enemies that stay near you every 0.5 seconds
FieryMissiles Fiery Missiles CD: 0.7s
Fire, Missile, Burst, Magical The Arcane Weaver, 2nd weapon, starting skill
While attack is channeled, you automatically launch fiery missiles that seek 3 random targets, dealing 5 damage and applying Burn 1 stacks of Burn: 40 damage over 4 seconds in a tiny area.
RayOfFire Ray of Fire CD : 7s
Fire, Lasting, Aura, Magical The Elementalist, 3rd weapon, starting skill
Summon 2 fire rays that rotate around you for 6 seconds, applying Burn Burn: 400 damage over 4 seconds to enemies hit.
HeatExplosion Heat Explosion CD: 5s
Fire, Area, Burst, Magical The Elementalist, 3rd weapon, special skill
Summon a large fire explosion at your position, dealing 330 damage and transforming all stacks of Burn Burn into Melting Melting.
OrbsOfDestruction Orbs of Destruction CD : 3.5s
Fire, Missile, Frontal, Magical The Chaoswalker, 3rd weapon, starting skill
Fires 1 to 5 varied shots in the target direction, that will either cause 350 damage and apply Burn Burn: 400 damage over 4 seconds, or cause 30 damage based on the number of stacks of Burn Burn on the target.
SummonVolcanoEruption Volcano Eruption CD : 12s
Fire, Static, Summon, Magical The Chaoswalker, 3rd weapon, special skill
Summons 1 volcano at your position for a few seconds, which fires lava at the nearby enemies, causing 180 damage and applying Burn Burn: 200 damage over 4 seconds. A maximum of 4 volcanoes may be active at any time.
ChromaticBolt Chromatic Bolt CD : 7s
Arcane, Chaos, Ice, Nature, Fire, Electric, Shadow, Holy, Projectile, Missile, Frontal, Magical, Physical Available via Tags, Unlock by achievement
Fires a ricocheting shot in the direction you are aiming at, that bounces around between targets until it has traveled a total of 60 meters, dealing 50 damage and applying a ChaosSkillModifierDamage Random Damaging Negative Effect (Burn 4 stacks of Burn: 214 damage over 4 seconds, Bleed 10 stacks of Bleed: 250 damage over 10 seconds, Doom 1 stacks of Doom: 150 delayed damage or Poison 12 stacks of Poison: 300 damage over 15 seconds) every time it hits an enemy.


View Electric skill List
CallLightning Call Lightning CD : 7s
Electric, Area, Magical The Elementalist, 1st weapon, special skill
Summon a total of 7 lightning strikes away from you, that quickly converge to your position, dealing 80 damage and applying Dazed 15% Dazed to enemies in their path.
ChainLightning Chain Lightning CD : 4.0s
Electric, Chain, Burst, Magical Available via Tags, Unlock by achievement
Creates a lightning chain that jumps to up to 7 nearby targets, causing 460 damage and applying Distracted Distracted: -5.0% chance to hit for 5 seconds. Gain Electrified Electrified: 3.
ChromaticBolt Chromatic Bolt CD : 7s
Arcane, Chaos, Ice, Nature, Fire, Electric, Shadow, Holy, Projectile, Missile, Frontal, Magical, Physical Available via Tags, Unlock by achievement
Fires a ricocheting shot in the direction you are aiming at, that bounces around between targets until it has traveled a total of 60 meters, dealing 50 damage and applying a ChaosSkillModifierDamage Random Damaging Negative Effect (Burn 4 stacks of Burn: 214 damage over 4 seconds, Bleed 10 stacks of Bleed: 250 damage over 10 seconds, Doom 1 stacks of Doom: 150 delayed damage or Poison 12 stacks of Poison: 300 damage over 15 seconds) every time it hits an enemy.
ElectricSpear Jupiter's Spear CD: 3
Electric, Thrust, Frontal, Physical The Legionnaire, 2nd weapon, starting skill
You strike enemies in front of you, dealing 50 damage and creating a maximum of 4 lightning bolts that jump to 3 additional nearby targets causing 130 damage and applying Dazed 4% Dazed if possible.
LightningBeam Lightning Beam CD : 6s
Electric, Lasting, Frontal, Magical The Elementalist, 1st weapon, starting skill
Fire a continuous beam in the direction you are aiming at, dealing up to 300 damage to enemies in the area and quickly applying Dazed 1% Dazed.
Total of 10 hits over 5 seconds.
LightningBolt Lightning Bolt CD : 5.0s
Electric, Missile, Magical, Physical Available via Tags
Fires 3 lightning projectiles towards a random enemy, each projectile causing 310 damage. Gain Electrified Electrified: 2. Traits: Devastating Devastating.
LightningField Lightning Field CD : 8.0s
Electric, Lasting, Aura, Magical Pyromancer 2nd Weapon, Starting Skill
Emits an aura of electricity that causes 90 damage and applies Dazed 4% Dazed on nearby enemies every 0.5 seconds. Gain Electrified Electrified: 3.
LightningSurge Lightning Surge CD : 17.0s
Electric, Empowering, Lasting, Physical Available Via Tags
Increases your movement speed by 45% and causes all your other skills to apply Dazed 4% Dazed temporarily. Lasts for 10 seconds.
ThunderClap Thunder Clap CD: 5.0s
Electric, Slam, Frontal, Physical The Barbarian, 3rd Weapon, Special Skill
Hit the ground in front of you with electric energy, causing 600 damage. Gain Electrified Electrified: 2 and Prowess Prowess: 4%.
ThunderStrike Thunder Strike CD: 4.0s
Electric, Area, Magical Available via Tags
Calls a thunder strike over a random enemy, causing 750 damage and applying Stun 4.0 seconds Stun. Gain Electrified Electrified: 4.
OverchargedBlast Overcharged Blast CD : 4.0s
Electric, Blast, Area, Frontal, Magical Pyromancer 2nd Weapon, Special Skill
Fires a blast of electricity in a cone in the target direction, causing 500 damage and an additional 30 damage for every stack of Dazed Dazed on the target. Gain Electrified Electrified: 2.
OverchargedStrike Overcharged Strike CD: 7s
Electric, Blast, Area, Frontal, Physical The Barbarian, third weapon, special skill
Causes an electric blast in front of you, causing 500 damage, applying Disoriented 6% Disoriented and leaving an area on the ground that continuously applies Disoriented 1% Disoriented to enemies.
PowerConductor Power Conductor CD : 8.0s
Electric, Static, Summon, Physical Available via tags
Builds 1 power conductor at your position for 20 seconds that fires electric rays that rotate around it, causing 300 damage and applying Dazed 8% Dazed. Can summon up to 4 conductors on field at once. Gain Electrified Electrified: 3.
SummonInfantry Summon Infantry CD: 45s
Electric, Summon, Magical, Physical The Legionnaire, 2nd weapon, special skill
Summon 6 powerful legionnaires to fight for you for 20.0 seconds, which apply Dazed 4% Dazed when they attack. A maximum of 6 units can be active at any time.
ThunderingSlash Thundering Slash CD: 1.8s
Electric, Swing, Frontal, Physical The Barbarian, 3rd Weapon, Starter Skill
Slashes in the target direction with electric energy, causing 300 damage and an extra 30 damage per stack of Dazed Dazed on the target. Applies Electrified Electrified: 1.
ThunderClap Thunder Clap CD: 5.0s
Electric, Slam, Frontal, Physical The Barbarian, 3rd Weapon, Special Skill
Hit the ground in front of you with electric energy, causing 600 damage. Gain Electrified Electrified: 2 and Prowess Prowess: 4%.
ThunderStrike Thunder Strike CD: 4.0s
Electric, Area, Magical Available via Tags
Calls a thunder strike over a random enemy, causing 750 damage and applying Stun 4.0 seconds Stun. Gain Electrified Electrified: 4.
Tornado Tornado CD : 10s
Electric, Lasting, Area, Magical The Elementalist, Prestige 50
Summons a tornado at a random enemy's position that moves randomly, causing 80 damage and applying Dazed 2% Dazed to enemies caught within every 0.5 seconds.


View Shadow skill List
ShadowBolt Shadow Bolt CD : 8s
Shadow, Missile, Magical, Physical Available via Tags
Fires 7 shadowy projectiles towards a random enemy, piercing through enemies in a line, inflicting Doom 1 stacks of Doom: 300 delayed damage each.
ShadowSpike Shadow Spike CD : 5s
Shadow, Missile, Burst, Physical Available via Tags
Shadow spikes are summoned from the ground in a straight line towards a random enemy, causing 250 damage and applying Doom Doom: 350 delayed damage.
Void Void CD : 14s
Shadow, Lasting, Area, Magical Available via Tags
Creates a void at a random position that pulls enemies in a large area towards it position for 6 seconds, applying Doom 1 stacks of Doom: 240 delayed damage. The pull is not effective against very heavy enemies.
DeathVortex Death Vortex CD : 12s
Shadow, Lasting, Area, Magical Unlocked from Achievement
Summon a dark vortex at a random enemy's position that moves randomly, applying Doom Doom: 140 delayed damage to enemies caught within. (~17 hits over 8 seconds)
ShadowOrb Shadow Orb CD : 8s
Shadow, Missile, Lasting, Frontal, Magical Available via Tags, Unlock by achievement
Launch a large orb in the direction you are aiming at, which applies Cursed 1 stacks of Cursed: 200 delayed area damage to targets it passes through. Additionally, this orb quickly fires additional projectiles (~55) in all directions, each dealing 50 damage per hit.
ShadowStepNew Shadow Step CD : 8s
Shadow, Area, Physical The Assassin, Prestige 20
Create a dark portal in front of you and another a few meters away from you, allowing you to teleport from one portal to the other at any time, dealing 300 damage and applying Hemorrhage Hemorrhage: 750 damage over 10 seconds, and extra damage from movement to enemies near the portal you come out of. Both portals are consumed in the process. (0.5s invulnerability after taking a portal)
SummonSkeletonsMage Skeletal Mage CD: 20s
Shadow, Summon, Magical, Physical The Necromancer, Prestige 5
Summon 1 skeletal mage to fight for you. A maximum of 4 Skeletal Mages can be active at any time.
Skeletal Mages fire shadow magic in an area in front of them, dealing 500 damage to all enemies hit.
SummonSkeletonsArcher Skeletal Archers CD: 30s
Shadow, Summon, Magical, Physical The Necromancer, Prestige 20
Summon 2 skeletal archers to fight for you. A maximum of 4 Skeletal Archers can be active at any time.
Skeletal Archers shoot three piercing crossbow bolts in a small angle, each dealing 200 damage.
ShadowGrasp Shadow Grasp CD : 4s
Shadow, Swing, Area, Magical, Physical The Death Knight, Prestige 5
Pulls enemies in a large area towards you, applying Cursed Cursed: 150 delayed area damage.
UnholyBolt Unholy Bolt CD: 2s
Shadow, Missile, Frontal, Magical, Physical The Necromancer, 2nd weapon, starting skill
Fire a shadowy projectile in the direction you are aiming at, piercing through enemies in a line, causing 200 damage and inflicting Doom 1 stacks of Doom: 100 delayed damage on enemies and healing 10 health on allies.
AncientCurse Ancient Curse CD: 8s
Shadow, Blast, Area, Frontal, Physical The Necromancer, 2nd weapon, special skill
Fires a shadowy blast in a cone in front of you, causing 200 damage and applying Doom Doom: 300 delayed damage to enemies, and increasing the cast frequency of allies by an additional 50% for 12.0 seconds.
ShadowNova Shadow Nova CD : 8s
Shadow, Area, Burst, Magical The Necromancer, 1st weapon, special skill
Creates a shadow nova around you, which heals allies for 25 health and applies Doom Doom: 400 delayed damage on enemies in a large area.
RayOfDoom Ray of Doom CD: 10s
Shadow, Lasting, Aura, Magical The Death Knight, 1st weapon, special skill
Summon 2 shadow rays that rotate around you for 6 seconds, applying Doom 1 stacks of Doom: 150 delayed damage to enemies hit.
Reap Reap CD: 7s
Shadow, Swing, Frontal, Physical The Death Knight, 2nd weapon, special skill
Slashes targets in the direction you are aiming at, causing all Doom Doom and Cursed Cursed stacks in the area to deal 250% of the damage instantly, removing the effects in the process.
UnholyAura Unholy Aura CD: 8s
Shadow, Lasting, Aura, Magical The Death Knight, 2nd weapon, starting skill
You emit a shadowy aura for 6 seconds, applying Doom 1 stacks of Doom: 40 delayed damage to enemies that stay near you every 0.5 seconds
SummonSkeleton Skeletal Warriors CD : 20s
Shadow, Summon, Magical, Physical The Necromancer, 1st weapon, starting skill
Summon 3 skeletal warriors to fight for you. A maximum of 12 Skeletal Warriors can be active at any time.
Skeletal Warriors deal 200 damage on hit and have 150 health and 150 armor.
Obliterate Obliterate CD: 1.7s
Shadow, Swing, Frontal, Magical, Physical The Death Knight, 1st weapon, starting skill
Obliterate targets in the direction you are aiming at, causing 150 damage and applying Weakness 9% Weakness.

ObscureArrow Obscure Arrow CD: 2s
Shadow, Projectile, Missile, Frontal, Magical, Physical The Sentinel, third weapon, starting skill
Fires a ricocheting shot in the direction you are aiming at that bounces around between targets until it has travelled a total of 30 meters, dealing 110 damage and applying Doom Doom: 80 delayed damage every time it hits an enemy.
VoidTrap Void Trap CD: 7.5s
Shadow, Bomb, Lasting, Static, Physical The Sentinel, third weapon, special skill
Leave a permanent trap in the ground that pulls enemies in a large area towards its position when an enemy steps on it, causing 400 damage and applying Cursed Cursed: 200 delayed area damage to enemies in a large area.
SmokeBomb Smoke Bomb CD: 10s
Shadow, Bomb, Lasting, Frontal, Physical The Assassin, Prestige 50
Throws a bomb applying Distracted Distracted: -10% chance to hit for 5 seconds, Slow 60% Slow and eveloping the area in smoke for 6 seconds, causing all attacks on enemies inside the area to be considered as attacks from behind.
ChromaticBolt Chromatic Bolt CD : 7s
Arcane, Chaos, Ice, Nature, Fire, Electric, Shadow, Holy, Projectile, Missile, Frontal, Magical, Physical Available via Tags, Unlock by achievement
Fires a ricocheting shot in the direction you are aiming at, that bounces around between targets until it has traveled a total of 60 meters, dealing 50 damage and applying a ChaosSkillModifierDamage Random Damaging Negative Effect (Burn 4 stacks of Burn: 214 damage over 4 seconds, Bleed 10 stacks of Bleed: 250 damage over 10 seconds, Doom 1 stacks of Doom: 150 delayed damage or Poison 12 stacks of Poison: 300 damage over 15 seconds) every time it hits an enemy.


View Holy skill List
ChromaticBolt Chromatic Bolt CD : 7s
Arcane, Chaos, Ice, Nature, Fire, Electric, Shadow, Holy, Projectile, Missile, Frontal, Magical, Physical Available via Tags, Unlock by achievement
Fires a ricocheting shot in the direction you are aiming at, that bounces around between targets until it has traveled a total of 60 meters, dealing 50 damage and applying a ChaosSkillModifierDamage Random Damaging Negative Effect (Burn 4 stacks of Burn: 214 damage over 4 seconds, Bleed 10 stacks of Bleed: 250 damage over 10 seconds, Doom 1 stacks of Doom: 150 delayed damage or Poison 12 stacks of Poison: 300 damage over 15 seconds) every time it hits an enemy.
HeroicStrike Heroic Strike CD : 6.5s
Holy, Swing, Frontal, Physical Available via Tags
Slow attack that strikes targets in a large area in the direction you are aiming at, causing 650 damage and applying Confused Confused: -5% chance to hit and 50% chance to take 500 damage when attacking, for 5 seconds on enemies hit. ×3 critical damage.
LightBeam Light Beam CD: 11s
Holy, Lasting, Frontal, Magical Available via Tags, Unlock by achievement
Fire a continuous beam in the direction you are aiming at, dealing up to 200 damage to enemies in the area and quickly applying Brittle Brittle: +1% cooldowns and 1 damage per hit for 5 seconds.
Total of 20 hits.
Might Might CD : 25s
Holy, Empowering, Lasting, Area, Physical Available to All
Empower you and all your nearby allies, increasing the damage modifier by an additional 50% for 10.0 seconds.
Smite Smite CD : 6s
Holy, Empowering, Lasting, Area, Physical Available via Tags
Smite enemies at a random location after 3 seconds with holy light, dealing 450 damage to enemies and healing 5 health to allies.
BeaconOfLight Beacon of Light CD: 8s
Holy, Lasting, Aura, Physical The Paladin, Prestige 5
You emit a blessed aura for 6 seconds, causing 80 damage and applying Confused Confused: -1.0% chance to hit and 50% chance to take 20 damage when attacking, for 5 seconds to enemies that stay near you every 0.5 seconds.
Exorcism Exorcism CD : 8s
Holy, Area, Burst, Physical The Paladin, Prestige 20
Expel a wave of light around you, dealing 300 damage and healing yourself for 0.5 for each enemy hit.
TemplarsVerdict Templar's Verdict CD : 5s
Holy, Swing, Area, Physical The Paladin, Prestige 50
Inflict your judgement at a random enemy's position, causing 480 damage to enemies in the area. Damage is multiplied by 3 on critical strikes.
BladesOfLight Blades of Light CD: 1.3s
Holy, Swing, Frontal, Physical The Paladin, 1st weapon, starting skill
You slash forward two times, causing a total of 180 damage and applying Dazed 4% Dazed for each hit.
HolyFire Holy Fire CD: 5s
Holy, Missile, Frontal, Burst, Physical The Paladin, 1st weapon, special skill
You launch 3 waves of holy fire in the direction you are aiming at, each causing 450 damage to enemies in a straight line, transforming all stacks of Dazed Dazed into Disoriented Disoriented. Damage is multiplied by 3 on critical strikes.
HammerOfJustice Hammer of Justice CD: 1.8s
Holy, Swing, Missile, Frontal, Physical The Paladin, 2nd weapon, starting skill
Throws a fast hammer forward hitting enemies in a line, and then coming back to your current position, causing 140 damage every time it goes through enemies. Damage is multiplied by 3 on critical strikes.
Penance Penance CD: 7s
Holy, Missile, Chain, Physical The Paladin, 2nd weapon, special skill
Hurls a holy bolt at a random enemy, causing 200 damage, applying Disoriented 8% Disoriented and then jumping to 8 additional nearby targets if possible.
SacredOrb Sacred Orb CD: 1.5s
Holy, Missile, Frontal, Magical The Arcane Weaver, third weapon, starting skill
Launches a sacred orb that moves in a curved line forward, causing 110 damage and applying Dazed 10% Dazed. Damage is multiplied by 3 on critical strikes.
CelestialRetribution Celestial Retribution CD: 8.5s
Holy, Area, Burst, Magical The Arcane Weaver, third weapon, special skill
Holy comets hit the ground around a random enemy, dealing 280 damage and inflicting Stun 3 seconds Stun. Damage is multiplied by 3 on critical strikes.


View Swing skill List
ArcaneBlade Arcane Blade CD: 8.5s
Arcane, Swing, Frontal, Magical, Physical The Spellblade, Prestige 50
Strike enemies with a powerful arcane blade, causing 500 damage and an extra 30 damage per stack of Exposed Exposed or Vulnerable Vulnerable on the target.
ArcaneOverload Arcane Overload CD : 8s
Arcane, Swing, Area, Magical, Physical The Spellblade, 2nd weapon, special skill
Spin your weapon around you, applying Exposed 80% Exposed to all nearby enemies, and firing 20 arcane missiles at random positions around you, dealing 250 damage per missile to enemies hit.
ArcaneSlash Arcane Slash CD: 1.1s
Arcane, Swing, Frontal, Magical, Physical The Spellblade, 2nd weapon, starting skill
Fire an arcane slash forward, dealing 70 damage and applying Exposed 40% Exposed.
BladesOfLight Blades of Light CD: 1.3s
Holy, Swing, Frontal, Physical The Paladin, 1st weapon, starting skill
You slash forward two times, causing a total of 180 damage and applying Dazed 4% Dazed for each hit.
Bladestorm Bladestorm CD: 10s
Swing, Lasting, Area, Physical Available via Tags, Unlock by achievement
Slashes enemies around you, quickly causing 40 damage every 0.3 seconds. Lasts for 20 seconds.
BloodySaw Bloody Saw CD : 5.0s
Swing, Lasting, Area, Physical Unlock Via Achievement
Launches a sharp projectile in the target direction, quickly causing 110 damage every 0.3 seconds and applying Bleed Bleed: 80 damage over 10 seconds. Lasts for 5 seconds. Gain Prowess Prowess: 2%.
Carnage Carnage CD: 5s
Swing, Missile, Area, Burst, Physical The Death Knight, 3rd weapon, special skill
Fire 10 slashes in all directions, each dealing 350 damage and applying Bleed Bleed: 500 damage over 10 seconds.
DoubleSlash Double Slash CD: 1.4s
Swing, Frontal, Physical Available Via Tags
Slashes in the target direction twice, causing 440 damage and applying Debilitated Debilitated: 1.0%. Gain Bulwark Bulwark: 1 and Finesse Finesse: 1%.
FanOfBombs Fan of Bombs CD: 7s
Swing, Bomb, Area, Burst, Physical The Assassin, 3rd weapon, special skill
Quickly spin around, firing a total of 16 bombs in all directions, each one dealing 320 damage and an extra 20 damage per stack of Fragility Fragility or Weakness Weakness on the target.
FesteringStrike Festering Strike CD: 1.6s
Nature, Swing, Area, Magical, Physical The Death Knight, Prestige 0
Causes 30 damage and applies Poison Poison: 90 damage over 15 seconds to all enemies around you.
FrozenBlade Frozen Blade CD: 7s
Ice, Swing, Missile, Frontal, Physical The Spellblade, third weapon, special skill
Throws a powerful icy blade forward hitting enemies in a line, and then coming back to your current position, dealing 600 damage and transforming all stacks of Slow Slow into Paralysis Paralysis.
HammerOfJustice Hammer of Justice CD: 1.8s
Holy, Swing, Missile, Frontal, Physical The Paladin, 2nd weapon, starting skill
Throws a fast hammer forward hitting enemies in a line, and then coming back to your current position, causing 140 damage every time it goes through enemies. Damage is multiplied by 3 on critical strikes.
HeartrendingStrike Heartrending Strike CD: 1.7s
Swing, Area, Frontal, Physical, Seasonal Omen of Spring Event: Destroy 8 of Camor's Pylons in a single match with at least 24 curse intensity
Slashes in the target direction, causing 230 damage and applying Fragility 2% Fragility. Gain Bulwark Bulwark: 1 and Finesse Finesse: 1%.
HeroicStrike Heroic Strike CD : 6.5s
Holy, Swing, Frontal, Physical Available via Tags
Slow attack that strikes targets in a large area in the direction you are aiming at, causing 650 damage and applying Confused Confused: -5% chance to hit and 50% chance to take 500 damage when attacking, for 5 seconds on enemies hit. ×3 critical damage.
Obliterate Obliterate CD: 1.7s
Shadow, Swing, Frontal, Magical, Physical The Death Knight, 1st weapon, starting skill
Obliterate targets in the direction you are aiming at, causing 150 damage and applying Weakness 9% Weakness.
BloodyStrike Ravaging Strike CD : 1.6s
Swing, Area, Frontal, Physical The Death Knight, 3rd weapon, starting skill
Slash through enemies in front of you, causing 280 damage and transforming all stacks of Bleed Bleed into Hemorrhage Hemorrhage.
Reap Reap CD: 7s
Shadow, Swing, Frontal, Physical The Death Knight, 2nd weapon, special skill
Slashes targets in the direction you are aiming at, causing all Doom Doom and Cursed Cursed stacks in the area to deal 250% of the damage instantly, removing the effects in the process.
Slash Slash CD: 1.0s
Arcane, Swing, Frontal, Physical The Spellblade, 1st weapon, starting skill
Slashes targets in the direction you are aiming at, causing 150 damage and applying Vulnerable 30% Vulnerable.
Subdue Subdue CD : 2.5s
Swing, Frontal, Physical Available via Tags
Strikes in the target direction, causing 50 damage, and 8 additional damage for every stack of Finesse Finesse on you.
SavageStrike Savage Strike CD: 5.0s
Swing, Frontal, Physical The Barbarian, Prestige 50
Strikes in the target direction with massive force, causing 2900 damage divided equally among all enemies hit. Gain Finesse Finesse: 3%.
ScentOfBlood Scent of Blood CD : 38s
Swing, Empowering, Lasting, Area, Physical The Barbarian, Prestige 20
Temporarily increases your cast frequency for 10s based on how many stacks of Finesse Finesse are present on you. Base Bonus: 10%. You gain 0.2% per stack of Finesse Finesse, up to a max of 50%.
ShadowGrasp Shadow Grasp CD : 4s
Shadow, Swing, Area, Magical, Physical The Death Knight, Prestige 5
Pulls enemies in a large area towards you, applying Cursed Cursed: 150 delayed area damage.
TitanCleaver Titan's Cleaver CD : 4.0s
Swing, Frontal, Physical Available Via Tags
Slashes in the target direction, causing 350 damage. Damage is multiplied based on your block power. Gain Finesse Finesse: 3%
TemplarsVerdict Templar's Verdict CD : 5s
Holy, Swing, Area, Physical The Paladin, Prestige 50
Inflict your judgement at a random enemy's position, causing 480 damage to enemies in the area. Damage is multiplied by 3 on critical strikes.
ThrowAxe Throw Axe CD : 5.0s
Swing, Missile, Frontal, Physical The Barbarian, 1st Weapon, Special Skill
Hurls an axe in the target direction that returns to you, causing 470 damage. Gain Finesse Finesse: 5. Traits: Piercing Piercing.
ThunderingSlash Thundering Slash CD: 1.8s
Electric, Swing, Frontal, Physical The Barbarian, 3rd Weapon, Starter Skill
Slashes in the target direction with electric energy, causing 300 damage and an extra 30 damage per stack of Dazed Dazed on the target. Applies Electrified Electrified: 1.
TitanCleaver Titan's Cleaver CD : 4.0s
Swing, Frontal, Physical Available Via Tags
Slashes in the target direction, causing 350 damage. Damage is multiplied based on your block power. Gain Finesse Finesse: 3%
Uppercut Uppercut CD : 4s
Swing, Frontal, Physical The Spellblade, 1st weapon, special skill
Throw enemies in the direction you are aiming at in the air, causing 400 damage and inflicting Stun 5 seconds Stun and Wound Wound.
VenomousStrike Venomous Strike CD: 1.8s
Nature, Swing, Frontal, Physical The Beastmaster, 1st weapon, starting skill
Slashes in the target direction, causing 235 damage and applying Poison Poison: 250 damage over 15 seconds. Gain Finesse Finesse: 2%.
Whirlwind Whirlwind CD: 1.4s
Swing, Area, Physical The Barbarian, 1st Weapon, Starting Skill
Slashes enemies around you, causing 230 damage. Gain Bulwark Bulwark: 2 and Finesse Finesse: 1%.


View Thrust skill List
ArcaneAssault Arcane Assault CD: 6s
Arcane, Thrust, Frontal, Magical, Physical The Spellblade, Prestige 5
Use arcane energy to hit enemies in front of you, causing 400 damage and applying Vulnerable 200% Vulnerable
ArcticAssault Arctic Assault CD: 2.5s
Ice, Thrust, Frontal, Physical The Spellblade, third weapon, starting skill
Hit enemies in a long line in front of you dealing 340 damage and applying Slow 20% Slow.
Backstab Backstab CD: 3s
Thrust, Frontal, Physical The Assassin, 2nd weapon, special skill
Stab enemies in front of you, causing 300 damage. Damage is multiplied by 5 and you also apply Hemorrhage Hemorrhage: 800 damage over 10 seconds, and extra damage from movement if you are behind the target.
Eviscerate Eviscerate CD: 3s
Thrust, Frontal, Physical The Assassin, 1st weapon, special skill
You strike enemies in front of you, dealing 80 damage and applying Bleed 5 stacks of Bleed: 100 damage over 10 seconds if they are facing you, or dealing 250 damage and an extra 50 damage per stack of Bleed Bleed or Hemorrhage Hemorrhage in the target and removing those effects in the process if you are behind their backs.
Flurry Flurry CD : 8.0s
Thrust, Lasting, Area, Physical Available via Tags
Throws daggers in the target direction, hitting enemies total of 20 times every 0.2 seconds, dealing 100 damage and applying Bleed Bleed: 60 damage over 10 seconds. Each hit has a 25% chance of gaining Form Form: 1%.
IntimidatingShout Intimidating Shout CD : 18s
Thrust, Empowering, Lasting, Area, Physical The Legionnaire, Prestige 5
Weakens all nearby enemies, subtracting 60% from their damage modifier for 8 seconds.
ElectricSpear Jupiter's Spear CD: 3
Electric, Thrust, Frontal, Physical The Legionnaire, 2nd weapon, starting skill
You strike enemies in front of you, dealing 50 damage and creating a maximum of 4 lightning bolts that jump to 3 additional nearby targets causing 130 damage and applying Dazed 4% Dazed if possible.
OnGuard On Guard CD : 2.0s
Thrust, Frontal, Physical Available via tags
Hits enemies around you, causing 170 damage and applying Exposed 8% Exposed. Gain Bulwark Bulwark: 3 and Form Form: 3%.
PiercingShout Piercing Shout CD : 7.0s
Thrust, Empowering, Lasting, Area, Physical The Barbarian, Prestige 5
A powerful shout that causes 450 damage and applies Shattered 20 Shattered.
QuickStrike Quick Strike CD : 2.0s
Thrust, Frontal, Physical Available via tags
Hits enemies in a long line in the target direction, causing 190 damage. Damage is multiplied by (1 + 2 × Movement Speed bonus). Gain Form Form: 4% and Haste Haste: 1%.
RadiantLight Radiant Light CD: 9s
Arcane, Thrust, Lasting, Area, Physical The Paladin, third weapon, starting skill
Emit a shining light in the direction you are aiming at, hitting enemies a total of 20 times, dealing 60 damage and applying Exposed 20% Exposed with every hit.
Rupture Rupture CD: 8s
Thrust, Frontal, Physical The Assassin, Prestige 5
Hit enemies in a long line in front of you, dealing 500 damage and applying Disoriented 15% Disoriented and Stun 4 seconds Stun. Can stun most elite enemies.
SharpSpear Sharp Spear CD : 2.5s
Thrust, Missile, Frontal, Physical Available via Tags
Hurls a spear in the target direction, causing 350 damage. Gain Form Form: 3% and Haste Haste: 3%. Traits: Piercing Piercing.
ShieldBash Shield Bash CD : 5s
Thrust, Frontal, Physical The Legionnaire, 1st weapon, special skill
Thrust your shield forward, dealing 500 damage. Damage is multiplied by (1 + 2 × Armor Power bonus %).
ShieldWall Shield Wall CD : 30s
Thrust, Empowering, Lasting, Area, Physical The Legionnaire, Prestige 20
Empower you and all your nearby allies, increasing your armor power by 200 for 4.0 seconds
SinisterStrike Sinister Strike CD: 1.0s
Thrust, Frontal, Physical The Assassin, 1st weapon, starting skill
Stab enemies in front of you, causing 70 damage if the target is facing you, or applying Hemorrhage 10 stacks of Hemorrhage: 300 damage over 10 seconds, and extra damage from movement if you are behind the target.
SpearTrap Spear Trap CD : 7.0s
Thrust, Lasting, Area, Magical Available via tags
Conjures a spear trap under a random enemy that causes 280 damage and applies Exposed 8% Exposed. Lasts for 5 seconds. Gain Form Form: 10%.
StormOfSpears Storm of Spears CD : 10s
Thrust, Missile, Lasting, Physical The Legionnaire, Prestige 50
Quickly spin around for a few seconds firing a total of 100 spears in all directions, each piercing enemies and dealing 50 damage and applying Hemorrhage Hemorrhage: 300 damage over 10 seconds, and extra damage from movement.
SugarRush Sugar Rush CD: 20s
Thrust, Empowering, Lasting, Physical, Seasonal Kobold's Treasure Event: Eliminate Ruanok, the Broodlord with at least 25 curse intensity
Empower you and all your nearby allies, increasing the movement speed modifier by an additional 60% for 8 seconds.
Thrust Thrust (Skill) CD: 1.5s
Thrust, Frontal, Physical The Legionnaire, 1st weapon, starting skill
Hit enemies in a long line in front of you dealing 120 damage and applying Bleed 4 stacks of Bleed: 200 damage over 10 seconds.
TwinDaggers Twin Daggers CD: 1.2s
Thrust, Frontal, Physical The Assassin, 2nd weapon, starting skill
You slash two times, causing a total of 100 damage and applying Weakness 6% Weakness. Damage is multiplied by 5 if you are behind the target.


View Slam skill List
ArcaneMace Arcane Mace CD: 8s
Arcane, Slam, Area, Frontal, Magical The Paladin, third weapon, special skill
Conjures an arcane mace to slam targets in front of you, dealing 250 damage and an extra 10 damage per stack of Exposed Exposed or Vulnerable Vulnerable on the target. Damage is multiplied by 3 on critical strikes.
ArmorShatter Armor Shatter CD : 4.0s
Slam, Area, Burst, Physical Available Via Tags
Slams the ground around you, causing 330 damage and applying Shattered 20 Shattered. Gain Prowess Prowess: 8%.
BodySlam Body Slam CD : 5s
Slam, Frontal, Physical Available Via Tags
Slams your body in the target direction, causing 450 damage. Damage is multiplied based on your armor power. Gain Prowess Prowess: 2%.
WildSlam Brutal Slam CD: 3s
Slam, Area, Frontal, Physical The Beastmaster, 3rd weapon, starting skill
Slam the ground in the target direction, causing 560 damage. Damage is based on your maximum health. Gain Prowess Prowess: 1%.
SummonCaveBear Cave Bear CD: 60s
Nature, Slam, Summon, Physical The Beastmaster, 3rd weapon, special skill
Summons 1 cave bear that causes damage and empowers nearby allies, increasing damage by 10% and maximum health by 15 temporarily. A maximum of 3 units can be active at any time. Traits: Taunt Taunt.
IceHammer Frozen Warhammer CD : 6s
Ice, Slam, Area, Magical The Elementalist, Prestige 20
Conjures a frozen warhammer to slam targets in front of you, dealing 300 damage and an extra 15 damage per stack of Slow Slow or Paralysis Paralysis on the target. Applies Slow 10% Slow.
GroundBreak Ground Break CD : 4.0s
Slam, Missile, Burst, Physical Available via tags
Creates cracks in the ground towards a random enemy, causing 670 damage. Gain Prowess Prowess: 10%. Traits: Piercing Piercing.
GroundSlamNew Ground Slam CD : 6s
Slam, Area, Burst, Physical Barbarian, 4th Weapon, Special Skill
Hits the ground in front of you, causing 420 damage. If this attack hits at least 4 enemies affected by Bleed Bleed, you regenerate 3 health. Gain Prowess Prowess: 4%.
HeavyStrikeNew Heavy Strike CD: 1.7s
Slam, Frontal, Physical The Barbarian, 4th Weapon, Starting Skill
Strikes enemies in the target direction, causing 170 damage and applying Bleed Bleed: 100 damage over 10 seconds. Gain Prowess Prowess: 4% and Resilience Resilience: 2.
ToxicImpact Purging Slam CD: 5s
Nature, Slam, Frontal, Physical The Legionnaire, 3rd weapon, special skill
Slam your shield into the enemies in front of you, dealing 300 damage and causing all remaining Poison Poison and Rot Rot stacks in the area to deal 200% of their damage instantly, removing the effects in the process.
ResonantSlam Resonant Slam CD : 4.0s
Slam, Area, Burst, Physical Available via tags
Slams the ground around you, causing 450 damage. Gain Prowess Prowess: 8% and Resilience Resilience: 4. Traits: Brutal Brutal.
SeismicShock Seismic Shock CD : 3.8s
Slam, Frontal, Physical Available via tags
Slams in the target direction with massive force, causing 2500 damage divided equally among all enemies hit. Gain Prowess Prowess: 10% and Resilience Resilience: 3.
Stomp Stomp CD : 7s
Slam, Area, Burst, Physical The Barbarian, 1st weapon, special skill
You stomp the ground, causing 400 damage and applying Fragility +9% Fragility and Stun 4 seconds Stun to all enemies around you.
ThunderClap Thunder Clap CD: 5.0s
Electric, Slam, Frontal, Physical The Barbarian, 3rd Weapon, Special Skill
Hit the ground in front of you with electric energy, causing 600 damage. Gain Electrified Electrified: 2 and Prowess Prowess: 4%.
WildStrike Wild Strike CD: 1.5s
Nature, Swing, Frontal, Physical The Beastmaster, 2nd weapon, starting skill
Strike enemies in the target direction, causing 230 damage and an extra 20% damage based on the quantity of summoned units you control. Gain Finesse Finesse: 1%.


View Projectile skill List
BladedChakram Bladed Chakram CD : 4s
Projectile, Missile, Frontal, Physical Available via Tags, Unlock by achievement
Throw a chakram in the target direction, causing 120 damage and applying Rot Rot: 450 damage over 15 seconds, spread on death to targets hit. The chakram returns to you at the end of its range, causing damage to enemies again on its way back.
BoltBarrage Bolt Barrage CD : 2s
Projectile, Missile, Frontal, Burst, Physical The Hound Master, 4th weapon, starting skill
Fire 14 bolts in the target direction with a large spread, causing 40 damage. Gain Aptitude Aptitude: 8%.
SummonTurret Build Ballista CD : 15s
Projectile, Static, Summon, Physical Available via Tags
Build a ballista at your position for 25 seconds, which quickly fires bolts at the nearest enemy, dealing 200 damage.
A maximum of 4 ballistas can be active at any given time.
CamorsArrow Camor's Arrow CD: 6s
Projectile, Area, Physical, Seasonal Omen of Spring Event: Destroy 8 of Camor's Pylons in a single match with at least 18 curse intensity.
Calls a large arrow to hit the target position, dealing 4000 damage divided equally among all enemies hit, applying Stun 2 seconds Stun and Bleed Bleed: 800 damage over 10 seconds.
ChromaticBolt Chromatic Bolt CD : 7s
Arcane, Chaos, Ice, Nature, Fire, Electric, Shadow, Holy, Projectile, Missile, Frontal, Magical, Physical Available via Tags, Unlock by achievement
Fires a ricocheting shot in the direction you are aiming at, that bounces around between targets until it has traveled a total of 60 meters, dealing 50 damage and applying a ChaosSkillModifierDamage Random Damaging Negative Effect (Burn 4 stacks of Burn: 214 damage over 4 seconds, Bleed 10 stacks of Bleed: 250 damage over 10 seconds, Doom 1 stacks of Doom: 150 delayed damage or Poison 12 stacks of Poison: 300 damage over 15 seconds) every time it hits an enemy.
CycloneShot Cyclone Shot CD : 3s
Projectile, Missile, Frontal, Physical The Hound Master, 4th weapon, special skill
Fires a projectile that flies around you causing 170 damage. Gain Aptitude Aptitude: 12%.
EggShooter Egg Shooter CD: 7s
Projectile, Missile, Frontal, Physical, Seasonal Kobold's Treasure Event: Eliminate Ruanok, the Broodlord
Quickly fire 20 eggs in front of you, piercing enemies causing 50 damage and applying Exposed 40% Exposed with each hit.
FragShot Frag Shot CD : 5s
Projectile, Missile, Frontal, Physical Available via Tags, ?
Fires a shot in the direction you are aiming at, piercing through enemies in a line, dealing 250 damage. Two secondary bolts are released on impact, each dealing another 150 damage and applying Fragility 3% Fragility.
HeartbreakOrbs Heartbreak Orbs CD: 4s
Projectile, Missile, Frontal, Physical, Seasonal Omen of Spring Event: Destroy 8 of Camor's Pylons in a single match
Launches 3 orbs that move in a curved line forward, causing 80 damage and applying Bleed Bleed: 180 damage over 10 seconds.
ObscureArrow Obscure Arrow CD: 2s
Shadow, Projectile, Missile, Frontal, Magical, Physical The Sentinel, third weapon, starting skill
Fires a ricocheting shot in the direction you are aiming at that bounces around between targets until it has travelled a total of 30 meters, dealing 110 damage and applying Doom Doom: 80 delayed damage every time it hits an enemy.
VitalShot Precise Shot CD: 3s
Projectile, Blast, Missile, Frontal, Physical The Hound Master, third weapon, starting skill
Fires a shot in the direction you are aiming at, piercing through enemies in a line, causing 420 damage and applying Bleed Bleed: 160 damage over 10 seconds.
RainOfArrows Rain of Arrows CD: 8s
Projectile, Lasting, Area, Physical The Sentinel, 1st weapon, special skill
Shoots multiple arrows at a random enemy's location, hitting enemies multiple times, causing a total of 560 damage and applying Stun 3 seconds Stun with every hit.
RicochetShot Ricochet Shot CD : 5s
Projectile, Missile, Frontal, Physical The Sentinel, Prestige 50
Fires a ricocheting shot in the direction you are aiming at, that bounces around between targets until it has traveled a total of 60 meters, dealing 100 damage every time it hits an enemy.
Bild 2022-08-01 121609328 Shoot CD: 1.0s
Projectile, Missile, Frontal, Physical The Sentinel, 1st weapon, starting skill
Fires 3 arrows in the direction you are aiming at, dealing 50 damage to all enemies hit and applying Fragility 3% Fragility for each arrow.
SniperShot Sniper Shot CD : 7s
Projectile, Missile, Frontal, Physical The Sentinel, Prestige 20
Fires a shot in the direction you are aiming at, causing 380 damage. Damage is multiplied by 5 on critical strikes.
SplitShot Split Shot CD : 6s
Projectile, Missile, Frontal, Physical The Sentinel, Prestige 5
Fires a projectile in the direction you are aiming at, that explodes on impact releasing 10 projectiles, each dealing 70 damage and applying Bleed Bleed: 250 damage over 10 seconds.
SpreadShot Spread Shot CD: 1.2s
Projectile, Missile, Frontal, Burst, Physical The Sentinel, 2nd weapon, starting skill
Fires 10 arrows in a short range with a large spread in the direction you are aiming at, dealing 40 damage per arrow.
StormOfArrows Storm of Arrows CD: 7s
Projectile, Missile, Lasting, Physical Available via Tags, Unlock by achievement
Quickly spin around for a few seconds firing a total of 100 arrows in all directions, each piercing enemies and dealing 200 damage.


View Bomb skill List
AcidRain Acid Rain CD : 6s
Nature, Bomb, Area, Frontal, Physical Available via Tags, Unlock by achievement
Throw a projectile in an arc in the direction you are aiming at, raining acid (~25 drops) on enemies in its trajectory, applying Rot Rot: 150 damage over 15 seconds, spread on death with each rain drop.
BombBarrage Bomb Barrage CD : 5s
Bomb, Missile, Frontal, Burst, Physical ?
Fires 10 bombs in an area in front of you, each causing 85 damage and applying Weakness 3% Weakness.
ChaosBomb Chaos Bomb CD : 6.5s
Chaos, Bomb, Frontal, Magical, Physical Available via Tags
Throws a chaos bomb in an area in front of you, causing a random amount of damage between 1 and 1000 and applying a ChaosSkillModifierDamage Random Powerful Negative Effect.
ClusterBomb Cluster Bomb CD : 8s
Bomb, Area, Frontal, Burst, Physical Available to All
Throw a bomb in front of you, dealing 300 damage in an area and exploding into 20 smaller bombs, each dealing 150 damage.
ExplosiveTrap Explosive Trap CD : 8s
Bomb, Lasting, Static, Physical Available via Tags
Leave a permanent trap in the ground that explodes when an enemy steps on it, causing 400 damage and applying Burn Burn: 400 damage over 4 seconds to enemies in a large area.
MineField Mine Field CD: 15s
Bomb, Lasting, Static, Physical Available via Tags, Unlock by achievement
For the next 6 seconds, leave a trail of permanent land mines behind you, each dealing 150 damage and applying Burn 2 stacks of Burn: 100 damage over 4 seconds in a large area when triggered.
PoisonBomb Poison Bomb CD : 4s
Nature, Bomb, Lasting, Area, Physical Avaible to All
Throws a poison bomb at a random enemy, dealing 100 damage and applying Poison Poison: 450 damage over 15 seconds instantly to targets hit, leaving a poison puddle in the ground, inflicting Poison Poison: 250 damage over 15 seconds to enemies in a large area.
SharapnelBomb Shrapnel Bomb CD : 6s
Bomb, Area, Frontal, Burst, Physical Available to All
Throw a bomb in front of you, dealing 270 damage in an area and exploding into 15 projectiles that fly in all directions, each dealing 45 damage and applying Bleed Bleed: 80 damage over 10 seconds.
SuctionBomb Suction Bomb CD : 4s
Bomb, Area, Frontal, Physical Available to All
Throw a bomb in front of you pulling enemies in a large area towards its position, causing 220 damage.
WeakeningGrenade Weakening Grenade CD: 5s
Bomb, Area, Burst, Physical The Hound Master, Prestige 5
Throws a grenade in an area in front of you, causing 600 damage and applying Bleed Bleed: 720 damage over 10 seconds and Disoriented 20% Disoriented. Traits: Impactful Impactful.
BearTrap Bear Trap CD: 3s
Bomb, Lasting, Static, Physical The Hound Master, Prestige 20
Leave a permanent trap in the ground that explodes when an enemy steps on it, causing 360 damage and applying Bleed Bleed: 1200 damage over 10 seconds and Weakness 24% Weakness to enemies in a large area.
ShrapnelMine Shrapnel Mine CD: 5s
Bomb, Lasting, Static, Physical The Hound Master, Prestige 50
Leaves a mine in the ground that explodes when triggered, exploding into 20 fragments that fly in all directions, each applying Bleed Bleed: 600 damage over 10 seconds.
MortarShot Mortar Shot CD: 1.5s
Bomb, Area, Frontal, Burst, Physical The Hound Master, 1st weapon, starting skill
Fires 5 mortar shots in an area in front of you, each causing 170 damage and applying Bleed Bleed: 140 damage over 10 seconds.
Bombardment Bombardment CD : 6s
Bomb, Area, Burst, Physical The Hound Master, 1st weapon, special skill
Calls down a bombardment around your current position. Each bomb deals 500 damage in a large area and applies Bleed Bleed: 200 damage over 10 seconds. Damage is multiplied based on your area modifier.
Disengage Disengage CD : 6s
Bomb, Area, Burst, Physical The Sentinel, 2nd weapon, special skill
Throw an icy bomb right in front of you, dealing 450 damage and applying Paralysis 20 stacks of Paralysis: -100% movement speed, +20% direct damage taken to enemies, pushing them away.
VoidTrap Void Trap CD: 7.5s
Shadow, Bomb, Lasting, Static, Physical The Sentinel, third weapon, special skill
Leave a permanent trap in the ground that pulls enemies in a large area towards its position when an enemy steps on it, causing 400 damage and applying Cursed Cursed: 200 delayed area damage to enemies in a large area.
SmokeBomb Smoke Bomb CD: 10s
Shadow, Bomb, Lasting, Frontal, Physical The Assassin, Prestige 50
Throws a bomb applying Distracted Distracted: -10% chance to hit for 5 seconds, Slow 60% Slow and eveloping the area in smoke for 6 seconds, causing all attacks on enemies inside the area to be considered as attacks from behind.
DebilitatingBomb Debilitating Bomb CD : 1.5s
Bombs, Missile, Frontal, Physical The Assassin, 3rd weapon, starting skill
Shoots a debilitating bomb that explodes on contact, causing 380 damage in a large area and applying Fragility 9% Fragility.
FanOfBombs Fan of Bombs CD: 7s
Swing, Bomb, Area, Burst, Physical The Assassin, 3rd weapon, special skill
Quickly spin around, firing a total of 16 bombs in all directions, each one dealing 320 damage and an extra 20 damage per stack of Fragility Fragility or Weakness Weakness on the target.
FrenziedBunnies Frenzied Bunnies CD: 4.5s
Chaos, Bomb, Summon, Physical, Seasonal Kobold's Treasure Event: Eliminate Ruanok, the Boordlord with at least 34 Curse Intensity
Summon 2 Frenzied Rabbits to fight for you, dealing a random amount of damage between 1 and 850 and applying a ChaosSkillModifierDamage Random Powerful Negative Effect (not stated in game) in a huge explosion on contact with enemies, dying in the process. A maximum of 10 units can be active at any time.


View Blast skill List
ExplosiveShot Explosive Shot CD : 5s
Blast, Missile, Frontal, Physical ?
Fires an explosive shot in the direction you are aiming at, dealing 250 damage and applying Weakness 12% Weakness to enemies in large area.
ShrapnelShot Shrapnel Shot CD : 8s
Blast, Missile, Frontal, Physical Available via Tags, ?
Fires 8 projectiles in the direction you are aiming at, each exploding on contact into 5 smaller projectiles that deal 80 damage each.
NapalmBlast Napalm Blast CD: 8s
Blast, Area, Frontal, Physical Available via Tags, Unlock by achievement
Fires a blast of fire in a cone in front of you, causing 40 damage, applying Melting Melting: -12.0 armor and 400 damage over 8 seconds and leaving a burning area in the ground that continuously applies Melting Melting: -1.0 armor to enemies.
PowerBlast Power Blast CD : 5s
Blast, Frontal, Burst, Physical The Hound Master, 2nd weapon, special skill
Fires a powerful blast in the target direction, causing 750 damage. Gain 2 stacks of Template:Ammunition. Traits: Devastating Devastating.
FreezingBlow Freezing Blow CD: 4s
Ice, Blast, Area, Frontal, Magical The Elementalist, 2nd weapon, special skill
Fires a freezing blow in a cone in front of you, causing 500 damage and transforming all stacks of Slow Slow into Paralysis Paralysis.
AncientCurse Ancient Curse CD: 8s
Shadow, Blast, Area, Frontal, Physical The Necromancer, 2nd weapon, special skill
Fires a shadowy blast in a cone in front of you, causing 200 damage and applying Doom Doom: 300 delayed damage to enemies, and increasing the cast frequency of allies by an additional 50% for 12.0 seconds.
Buckshot Buckshot CD : 1.8s
Blast, Frontal, Burst, Physical The Hound Master, 2nd weapon, starting skill
Fires a blast of pellets in a cone in front of you, causing 280 damage. Gain Template:Ammunition. Traits: Brutal Brutal.
OverchargedStrike Overcharged Strike CD: 7s
Electric, Blast, Area, Frontal, Physical The Barbarian, third weapon, special skill
Causes an electric blast in front of you, causing 500 damage, applying Disoriented 6% Disoriented and leaving an area on the ground that continuously applies Disoriented 1% Disoriented to enemies.
VitalShot Precise Shot CD: 3s
Projectile, Blast, Missile, Frontal, Physical The Hound Master, third weapon, starting skill
Fires a shot in the direction you are aiming at, piercing through enemies in a line, causing 420 damage and applying Bleed Bleed: 160 damage over 10 seconds.
ThreshingBlast Threshing Blast CD: 5.0s
Nature, Frontal, Burst, Physical The Hound Master, 3rd weapon, special skill
Fires a blast in a cone in the target direction, causing 360 damage and 40 damage based on the number of stacks of Poison Poison on the target. Gain 2 stacks of Template:Ammunition.


View Earth Skill List
Demolish Demolish CD : 7s
Earth, Missile, Burst, Physical The Barbarian, 2nd Weapon, Special Skill
Hits the ground sending 10 shockwaves in all directions, causing 420 damage. Gain Colossal Colossal: 8%. Traits: Brutal Brutal.
EarthBolt Earth Bolt CD : 1.3s
Earth, Missile, Frontal, Magical, Physical Available Via Tags
Shoots a petrified projectile in the target direction, causing 400 damage. Gain Colossal Colossal: 2%.
EarthShield Earth Shield CD : 12.0s
Earth, Lasting, Aura, Magical, Physical Available Via Tags
Summons 3 earthen orbs that rotate around you causing 500 damage to enemies and healing 1 health point on impact with any enemy. Lasts for 8 seconds. Gain Resilience Resilience: 4.
Earthquake Earthquake CD : 10.0s
Earth, Lasting, Area, Magical Available via tags
Conjures an earthquake under a random enemy causing 230 damage and applying Brittle Brittle: +5 cooldowns and {{{2}}} damage per hit for 5 seconds every 0.5 seconds. Lasts for 6 seconds. Gain Colossal Colossal: 8%.
RollingBoulder Rolling Boulder CD : 6.0s
Earth, Area, Magical Available via tags
Conjures a boulder over a random enemy that rolls forward after it hits the ground, causing 180 damage and applying Stun 3.0 seconds Stun. Damage is multiplied based on your area modifier.
Shockwave Shockwave CD : 2.0s
Earth, Area, Frontal, Burst, Physical The Barbarian, 2nd Weapon, Starting Skill
Hits the ground causing a shockwave in the target direction, causing 200 damage. Gain Colossal Colossal: 2% and Resilience Resilience: 2.
ShockwaveTotem Shockwave Totem CD : 10.0s
Earth, Static, Summon, Physical Available via Tags
Summons 1 totem at your position for 20 seconds that fires shockwaves at nearby enemies, causing 450 damage and applying Dazed 2% Dazed. A total of 4 totems can be on the field at once.

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