Soulstone Survivors Wiki
For more detailed information about character Attributes and gameplay mechanics, see: Attributes


Minor Soulstone Icon Corrupted Soulstone Icon Vile Soulstone Icon Wicked Soulstone Icon








Main Currency Skilltree, Characters Skilltree, Characters Skilltree, Characters
Hateful Soulstone Icon Rogue Soulstone Icon Common Frame Common Frame




Skilltree, Characters Skilltree, Characters Placeholder Placeholder



The Scorching Valley

+ Less Obstacles

+ Tight Corners (more effective for speedruns)

- Bright Environment

- Below Average Enemy Attack Indicator Visibility

Copper, Topaz, Platinum, Obsidian, Amber
Advantages/Disadvantages & Map Ranking

The Caves of Dhal Zhog

++ Dark Environment (easy on the eyes)

+ Almost No Obstacles

+ Tight Corners (more effective for speedruns)

+ Above Average Enemy Attack Indicator Visibility

+ Many Of The Obstacles Are Destructible

Iron, Emerald, Palladium, Adamantite, Tourmaline
Advantages/Disadvantages & Map Ranking

The Whispering Grove

Decent Lighting

- Substantial Amounts of Obstacles

- Different, Harder Enemies than Normal

+ Above Average Enemy Attack Indicator Visibility

Gold, Ruby, Mithril, Meteorite, Amethyst
Advantages/Disadvantages & Map Ranking

The Frozen Wastelands

- Bright Environment

-- Enormous Amounts of Obstacles

Decent Enemy Attack Indicator Visibility

- Little Friction On The Surface Of The Map

Silver, Sapphire, Titanium, Orichalcum, Diamond
Advantages/Disadvantages & Map Ranking

The Dungeon of Despair

++ Dark Environment (easy on the eyes)

++ Little To No Obstacles

+ Above Average Enemy Attack Indicator Visibility

- Easy To Get Stuck On The Walls While Attempting To Dodge

Tin, Quartz, Cobalt, Demonite, Aquamarine
Advantages/Disadvantages & Map Ranking



Place of Obtaining
Copper Copper The Scorching


Blacksmithing Metal
Iron Iron The Caves Of Dhal Zhog Blacksmithing Metal
Gold Gold The Whispering Grove Blacksmithing Metal
Silver Ore Silver The Frozen Wastelands Blacksmithing Metal
Tin Ore Tin The Dungeon of Despair Blacksmithing Metal
Topaz Gem Topaz The Scorching Valley Blacksmithing Gem
Emerald Gem Emerald The Caves Of Dhal Zhog Blacksmithing Gem
Ruby Gem Ruby The Whispering Grove Blacksmithing Gem
Sapphire Gem Sapphire The Frozen Wastelands Blacksmithing Gem
Quartz Gem Quartz The Dungeon of Despair Blacksmithing Gem
Platinum Ore Platinum The Scorching Valley Blacksmithing Metal
Palladium Ore Palladium The Caves of Dahl Zhog Blacksmithing Metal
Mithril Ore Mithril The Whispering Grove Blacksmithing Metal
Titanium Ore Titanium The Frozen Wastelands Blacksmithing Metal
Cobalt Ore Cobalt The Dungeon of Despair Blacksmithing Metal
Obsidian Ore Obsidian The Scorching Valley Blacksmithing Metal
Adamantite Ore Adamantite The Caves of Dahl Zhog Blacksmithing Metal
Meteorite Ore Meteorite The Whispering Grove Blacksmithing Metal
Orichalcum Ore Orichalcum The Frozen Wastelands Blacksmithing Metal
Demonite Ore Demonite The Dungeon of Despair Blacksmithing Metal
Amber Gem Amber The Scorching Valley Blacksmithing Gem
Tourmaline Gem Tourmaline The Caves of Dahl Zhog Blacksmithing Gem
Amethyst Gem Amethyst The Whispering Grove Blacksmithing Gem
Diamond Gem Diamond The Frozen Wastelands Blacksmithing Gem
Aquamarine Gem Aquamarine The Dungeon of Despair Blacksmithing Gem

Enemy Drops

Place of Obtaining
Eye of Pestillence Eye of Pestillence Alexi, the Plaguebearer Unknown Curse 5+ Boss Drop
Fragment of Ice Fragment of Ice Colummeth, the Incarnation of Ice Unknown Curse 5+ Boss Drop
Fragment of Fire Fragment of Fire Gammuth, the Incarnation of Fire Unknown Curse 5+ Boss Drop
Horn of Chaos Horn of Chaos Allaxiz, the Chaos Bringer Unknown Curse 5+ Boss Drop
Scales Of Prophecy Scales of Prophecy Keythaiz, the Prophetess Unknown Curse 5+ Boss Drop
Eternal Core Eternal Core Tiaggro, the Eternal Guardian Unknown Curse 5+ Boss Drop
Helmet of Corruption Helmet of Corruption Aelfraed, the Fallen King Unknown Curse 5+ Boss Drop

Skill Tree

Maxed Out Skill Tree Image


Skill tree HealthOnLevelUp Health On Level-up You recover up to 2/4/6/8/10 health points every time you level up.
Skill tree DamageModifier Damage Modifier Increases your damage modifier by an additional 5/10/15/20/25%
Skill tree DashCount Dash Count Increases the number of dashes you can perform by 1
Skill tree CritChance Critical Damage Chance Increases your critical damage chance by an additional 2/4/6/8/10%
Skill tree CritPotency Critical Damage Modifier Increases your critical damage modifier by an additional 5/10/15/20/25%
Skill tree AreaModifier Area Modifier Increases your area modifier by an additional 4/8/12/16/20%
Banish2 Banish Charge Allows you to banish a power up, blocking it from appearing again in the match. Charges per match: 1/2/3/4/5


Skill tree MovementSpeed Movement Speed Increases your movement speed modifier by an additional 3/6/9/12/15%.
CooldownReduction Experience Modifier Increases your cast frequency modifier by an additional 2/4/6/8/10%.
Skill Tree CollectRange Experience Modifier Increases your pick up range modifier by an additional 40/80/120/160/200%.
Skill tree CurrencyModifier Experience Modifier Increases the amount of Minor Soulstones you earn by an additional 10/20/30/40/50%.
Skill tree ExperienceModifier Experience Modifier Increases your experience modifier by an additional 5/10/15/20/25%.
Skill tree Rerolls Reroll Charge Gives you a chance to get new skills when you level up. Charges per match: 1/2/3/4/5.


Skill tree MaxHealth Maximum Health Increases maximum health by 10/20/30/40/50.
Skill tree EndOfWorldRegenerationModifierSurvivors Additional Health Per Crystal Increases all health received from health crystals by 5/10/15.
Skill tree DamageReduction Damage Reduction Modifier Reduces all damage taken by 1/2/3.
Skill tree BlockChance Block Power Modifier Increases your block power by 2/4/6/8/10.
Skill tree Armor Armor Power Modifier Increases your armor power by 3/6/9/12/15.
Skill tree DeathGuards Death Protection Any attack that would kill you restores your health to 50% instead. Charges per match: 1/2.
Lock Lock Charge Gives you a chance to lock a power up in place, saving it for your next level up. Charges per match: 1/2/3/4/5


Additional Information
Curse Tiers Available
Lifeless Void Reduces all healing received by 12%. Does not affect Exorcism to a lower value than 0,6. Curse Tier 1Curse Tier 2Curse Tier 3Curse Tier 4Curse Tier 6
Reckless Goblins Explosive Goblins will now appear earlier in the match.

Curse Tier 1Curse Tier 2Curse Tier 3

Unholy Reinforcements Elite enemies now spawn 10% more frequently.

Curse Tier 1Curse Tier 2Curse Tier 3Curse Tier 4Curse Tier 5

Revenge of the Void Every time you kill an enemy, there is a 10% chance of a meteor falling near your position.

Curse Tier 1Curse Tier 2Curse Tier 4Curse Tier 5Curse Tier 6

Clone Army Increases the number of Elite enemies that spawn simultaneously by 1, their health by 10%, damage modifier by 5% and cast frequency by 5%.

Curse Tier 2Curse Tier 3Curse Tier 4Curse Tier 5Curse Tier 7

House of Lords Increases the number of Lords of the Void that spawn simultaneously by 1, and increases their health by 10%.

Curse Tier 3Curse Tier 5Curse Tier 7

Pillars of Despair Occasionally a Pillar of Despair will spawn, casting powerful spells at you until destroyed. Red Pillars fire mortars on your position, Purple Pillars summon meteors near your position. Curse Tier 4
Overwhelming Corruption Corrupted Void Hunters will now seek to collect your soulstones. Corrupted Void Hunters are Enemy versions of Characters with their own unique skills and attributes.

Curse Tier 5Curse Tier 6Curse Tier 7

Void Presence An invincible void presence slowly follows you, causing fatal damage if it's able to attack you. Instantly shaves off a death protection if hit. Curse Tier 6
[🔒Locked until Full Release🔒]
